Industrial plant located within easy driving distance from the centre of Smolensk.
Smolensk: administrative centre of Smolensk oblast', located to the South-West from Moscow
population: approx.327.000 (2010)
road distance to Moscow: 400 km (along E30/M1)
road distance to the Belarusian border: 115 km (along M1)
- Location of the property: at a 10-minute drive from Smolensk's city centre
- address: Krasninskoe shosse 19
- area of the plot (owned): 15.344 sqm (cadastral n.: 67:27:0020802:29)
- overall area of the buildings: 9.767 sqm
- permitted use of the plot: for industrial purposes
- destination of use of the buildings: production (including food), warehouse, industrial
- formerly the complex was used as a plant for food-production and processing (macaroni products)
- technical features:
- water supply: 11.501,83 mq per year (958,49 per month)
- gas capacity: 680.000 t.m3 per year (56.660 per month)
- power capacity: 1.100.000 kW h per year (100.000 kWh per month) - the property is offered:
- for lease: 685.000 RUB/month, including VAT (18%)
- for sale: 70.800.000 RUB, including VAT (18%)
For further info and for scheduling a viewing please contact:
Property information
- Details
Built Area :
Land plot area :
Property type :
stabilimento produttivo
Deal Type :
affitto o vendita
Price :
su richiesta
Destinations of use :
logistica, produzione
Overall condition :
da rimodernare
Ceiling height :
Lease terms :
da concordare